Thursday, February 16, 2006

I hate Indiana weather!!

How the heck is there a tornado watch in February?!?!?! This weather is just so freaky!

I'm blogging and knotting to try to keep calm, because Josh is at work (of course...somehow, every time there is bad weather, he's working! It's probably a good thing, really, because he'd be outside watching it, and that would be sending me over the edge right now!) and I'm sssoooo terrified of storms!! In my actual educated mind, I know that I'm safe, but then my neurotic fear takes over and I am kind of comical really. Currently, I have the weather radio out (which, thankfully, Patty got me for Christmas...what a lifesaver!), our storm closet is stocked with lots of blankets and pillows and a flashlight, and I have candles lit all over the living room. And it is only raining with a bolt of lightning and some thunder once in a while! I think it'd be great to be a fly on the wall in this house tonight! Kowe's pretty freaked out too! She's staying close to me.

Anyway, Josh just called to check on us, and hopefully 10 will come sooner than later! Hope everyone stays safe in this weather!! I'm sort of hoping for some snow!! We haven't gotten to build a snowman in our front yard yet! That's kind of a necessity for our first winter in the house!! Maybe next week.....