Thursday, June 30, 2011

Catching Up: February Photo Dump

February was a big month for us. There was a lot going are lots of pictures...

We went to HuHot with Grammy & Papa. (Remember THIS post?) I was sad because this was the first time I had ever given her a bottle. It was still my milk, but in preparation for going back to work, and to avoid having to nurse in public, we packed a bottle. I did NOT like it! Wren didn't care--just give her her MILK!
Knowing that I would soon be heading back to work, we initially planned to take a quick family trip down to Florida to introduce Wren to the ocean and beach. However, we decided that we wanted to do some work in the house--getting Wren's playroom painted and working on our dining room, etc. So instead of the trip to Florida, we spent two days in Cincinnati. We went to IKEA and got some fun stuff for Wren's playroom. And we had fun showing her the silly hats and puppets! 
She couldn't hang with Mom and Dad...she zonked for a good portion of the trip! 
We had quite the haul...mostly for Wren's playroom! I have an update to do for that soon to show you how it turned out!
Daddy read her some books in the hotel room.
Then the next day we went to a big outlet mall. It was pretty chilly so Dad snuggled her up close! It was a pretty fun little family vacation.
I love this picture of them reading. You can see how into the book Wren is, Daddy is getting into the facial expressions, and I just melt at her little hand on his arm.
We went to Jeff and Laura's for the Super Bowl. She partied so hard that she needed a mid-game snooze.
We celebrated Valentine's Day. I posted about that HERE, but I missed this adorable picture of Grammy with Wren.
She took lots of naps...look at those lips!... 
And Greta and Laura hosted a Girls' Night to watch the Oscars. Wren was trying to indulge in Auntie's wine! (Obviously...there was NOT wine in there!) 
Big Brothers Big Sisters had our annual Bowl for Kids' Sake event, so we took the boys and Wren to bowl.
No babies were dropped or hit with bowling balls in the making of this photograph:
There was an 80's theme for the BFKS, so Wren decided to wear a little Polo shirt with her collar popped. I failed to get a good picture. :( But here she is that evening after we bowled:
I went back to work in March, so we packed February pretty full!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Catching Up: April

This shall be the post of not-so-flattering pictures! She's still pretty darn cute.

So after I went back to work, the number of pictures in each month's folder dwindled drastically. Hmmm...wonder why!?

But here are a few from April that I thought were cute.

Wren celebrated Earth Day with her "tiny green tee." And apparently, a nap soon after this shot!
On April 18th, at 23 Weeks, 1 Day (aka 5 1/4 months old), Wren cut her first tooth.
And the next day, she cut her second.
It was surprisingly easy for her. Given that she has had some trouble with ear infections and a cough/congestion issue, along with the fact that she was still exclusively nursing when I was with her, she wasn't sleeping all that well at the time. She didn't sleep through the night so the first two teeth sort of just came without us realizing there was even any pain caused by teething. We knew she was teething due to her constant state of drool, but other than that, we had no real idea she was officially teething. I have a feeling the next teeth aren't going to come quite as quietly!

Here you can see the little buds just after they cut through. (Remember, I said flattering picture post!)

And as days actually started to warm up, we spent more and more time outside. On this particular day, it was really nice, just a little windy. So we decided to go outside to read books and blow bubbles. It was too windy for the bubbles to work, but we got some reading in.  

Monday, June 20, 2011

Josh's First Father's Day!

We had an entire weekend of family fun to celebrate Josh's first Father's Day!

Wren and I made him a banner and some muffins and a yogurt bar for breakfast. We also planned to do a picnic, but then there was rain so we scratched that idea.
We were sneaky squirrels and did a little photoshoot without Daddy even knowing about it! It was exciting to actually get to surprise him with this because he's soooOOOooOOoO hard to buy for! 
Then we took Wren to the zoo for the first time! She thought the water was funny. 
She wanted to touch the monkeys. (Okay, she was actually much more interested in the fence than she was the monkeys...but she laughed at them when they came close!) 
She looked at the horses, the llama, the baby goats and the piglet! 
She thought about how cute it was that these two buddies cuddled--and then she wondered why it was that her doggies never cuddle like this without one attacking the other!
She loved being SO BIG on Daddy's shoulders! 
And we stuck her in the swings for the first time. It was met with a bit of hesitation, but she got the hang of it. She's still a little bit small for the swings, but we had fun! 

We are so lucky to have Josh. He's really the best Dad I've ever met.
He loves Wren so much and she knows it!

Daddy-Daughter Love Story

It was love at first sight...and it only grew from there!

Your Daddy makes you so cozy and can get you to nap like nobody else! 
He likes to take advantage of the naptime, too! 
He likes to show you new books... 
...and water...
...and sand...

Now you're the best of friends...
and there have never been a Daddy and a little girl more in love! 
Your Daddy loves you more than anything in the world, and based on how many times a day we hear, "Dadadadada," I think you feel the same. He loves to show you off and he especially loves when people tell him how beautiful you are, how amazing your big blue eyes are, or how you look just like the Gerber baby. He thinks you're the smartest baby ever born. He loves to watch you try new foods and learn new things. He gives you unconditional love, tells you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you a hundred times a day, he gives you kisses and snuggles and has more patience than Mommy on many days!

You are one very lucky little bird!
He's one very lucky Daddy!


Wren finally has enough of a little tuft of hair to make the mandatory tubtime mohawk.
Seriously adorable.
And here is our little snuggle bunny after her bath.
Plenty of rolls.
Plenty of cheeks.
Such a cutie pie! 

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Catching Up: Easter Recap

We had a great time celebrating Wren's first Easter. I realize this is quite behind but I didn't want to forget about it!

First, we left out some treats for the Easter Bunny... 
And when Wren woke up in the morning, she had a nice surprise!.. 
And wouldn't you know...the Easter Bunny actually likes carrots! 
We headed to church where Wren cuddled up with Uncle cozy!

Then she mingled...such a little social butterfly! 
And all of that chit chatting took a lot out of her so she needed another nap, this time on Daddy. 
And when we got home, she took some time to explore her new goodies. 
Priceless picture of our rosy cheeked girl! 
Later that day, we headed over to Grammy & Papa's and we took a nice little walk. 
Here is Wren next to a cute little creek that we walked by: 
We really had a nice weekend.
We had our fun big egg hunt with Griff and Linc, a great dinner prepared by Josh the night before Easter.


We take a ton of pictures before we select the one for Wren's weekly shot...on this particular day, she was being extra silly and we just couldn't delete all of these.

We just love this set of pictures! All of those silly faces and lots of wiggles....she is so cute!