I got to play auntie today!!
Griffin started school last month, and he goes twice a week. Today, I got to go pick him up and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen! I got there really early and stood outside the door. He was going to town singing and dancing and shaking some morroccos around! He's got such a personality!! He loves to dance (like his daddy) and he just makes me melt!! It's weird to watch his personality grow and change every day. Anyway, on the way to mamaw's we danced and danced, and then he tuckered out and fell asleep. Of course I had to take pictures, because what kind of proud auntie would I be if I didn't?! Is he not the cutest little guy you've ever seen?? Look at those eyelashes!
Another sweet story...our flower girl, Ellie, is in Griff's class. Today, when I walked in, she said hi to me, and then just started staring at me with this perplexed look. Finally, she said, "I didn't know you were a mommy." She was so serious, like "How could you hide that from me? And how come you never have your baby when I see you??" When I talked to her mom today, Penny asked her about it. She told Penny the whole story, just like a little adult. It was the funniest thing for her to look at me like that, and then to hear her in the background telling her mom about it.
Soon enough, Ellie...soon enough!
Anyway, here is a picture of Miss Ellie MoMo with her little brother Brock. So stinkin' cute!!