Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hilton Head (FINALLY!)

We had such a great family vacation in May! We drove to Hilton Head (which reminds me that we didn't get any funny pictures of our drive) and had the best, most relaxing time. It was a beautiful place and we ate a lot, biked a lot, relaxed a lot and had a wonderful time.Ron and Patty walking along the beachA starfish!!We saw (and everyone else saved) TONS of these guys. I touched one but wasn't about to pick one up. But I pointed them out well.If you look closely, you can see a shark fin. There were lots and lots of stingrays, sharks and other various creatures lurking in the water. Pretty neat to see...not so much to swim!Here is Patty by the pool.A view from our balcony.We got bikes and rode ALL OVER the entire island. It was so fun and everything was SO gorgeous!! I'm mad that we didn't take any more pictures on the trails with the gigantic trees and the moss all over them. But here are some of our pictures from the big bike adventure:Up close and personal with an alligator!!We stood so close and watched him eyeballing us. He didn't mind though.Then we went to an old rice field and walked across this bridge where we saw tons of snakes and more alligators. It's so weird how close you are to them. Then a little boy showed us all of these alligators sunbathing. And the guys were trying to get one to come out of the water. I was long gone...Then we ate lunch at Harbor Town. And looked at all of the yachts.
We went to Savannah one day. This is a cathedral that we went into during our tour of Savannah.THEN...::nom nom nom::
That is the sound of us eating away at Savannah Candy Kitchen. We at pralines and fresh taffy and spiced pecans and fudge and peanut brittle...and the list goes on...::nom nom nom::
You may recall that this is the place that Paula Deen sometimes goes on her show. Patty made good friends with the lady working there, too!Then we headed over to lunch at Paula's Lady & Sons Restaurant. Here we all are out in front of Paula's store and restaurant.And here we are enjoying the buffet. (Oh, the iced tea!!! Never in your LIFE have you had iced tea like this!!)Then J and Patty and I went shopping...and Ronnie did this:Here's a picture of Patty in her cute tent during our day at the beach.And here we are at the Sea Shack (or, as Ronnie has dubbed it, the Shitty Shack). We took the advice of Rachael Ray and we came to regret it. It wasn't the best meal we'd ever had, but in defense of the place, we probably didn't order the right stuff. We figured we should have gotten the catch of the day or something as opposed to what we got.Finally, we took a looong bike ride along the beach. It was so much fun.

Eew, jellyfish.Here we are at a leisurely pace. Going WITH the wind. Yeah, that was cake. So we rode for miles and miles and then realized that we would have to ride against the wind to get back. Not quite as easy! Here's a small bit of the trip back.But on our way, we came across a pool of water that was standing from when the tide went out. Only this pool of water had some stingrays trapped in it.
It broke our hearts, so we made Josh and Ronnie save them. Our Hilton Head Heroes!!It became a big affair with other beach goers and they got a few rounds of applause. We just couldn't handle the idea of them dying overnight and drying up. So sad.Here's a closeup of one of the fellas on his way to freedom.Then I played in the water. We weren't supposed to take the bikes in the water but I had to do it. It was fun!Then J called me a little skunk.

What an amazing trip!!! We can't wait for our next family vacation!!

Thank you guys again!! We had so much fun...much better than the other family vacation that we had!

where's waldo: the kowe version

Just an average closet until you look a little closer... Somebody is VERY afraid of thunderstorms and found a safe spot in my gym bag at the bottom of the closet. Usually she hides under my skirts in my closet but last night, I was folding laundry and saw her cuddle into here so I grabbed my camera really quick to poke fun at her in her super terrified state...much like J does to me when I'm in the closet during tornado warnings!
So sad...you can see the fear in her little eyes...

She either got tired of pictures or she felt this was safer, but after I was finished putting away laundry, this is where she was.
And she ended the night here...in her other usual safe spot...behind the bathroom door. We leave the fan running for her so it helps drown out some of the noise. You can see that she is OVER having her picture taken.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

little baby

So I took the dogs on a walk a few weeks back and when we got back in the house, I looked down to see that Lukey had picked up a special toy at some point. He found a pacifier and was carrying it in his mouth just like a little baby. I wish I'd had Josh with me because I couldn't get a good picture. He gets territorial when you try to take something from his mouth so I didn't want to get bitten. (Yes, I took it out immediately by tricking him with a tasty treat.) That's one cute kid, though!