Thursday, June 30, 2011

Catching Up: February Photo Dump

February was a big month for us. There was a lot going are lots of pictures...

We went to HuHot with Grammy & Papa. (Remember THIS post?) I was sad because this was the first time I had ever given her a bottle. It was still my milk, but in preparation for going back to work, and to avoid having to nurse in public, we packed a bottle. I did NOT like it! Wren didn't care--just give her her MILK!
Knowing that I would soon be heading back to work, we initially planned to take a quick family trip down to Florida to introduce Wren to the ocean and beach. However, we decided that we wanted to do some work in the house--getting Wren's playroom painted and working on our dining room, etc. So instead of the trip to Florida, we spent two days in Cincinnati. We went to IKEA and got some fun stuff for Wren's playroom. And we had fun showing her the silly hats and puppets! 
She couldn't hang with Mom and Dad...she zonked for a good portion of the trip! 
We had quite the haul...mostly for Wren's playroom! I have an update to do for that soon to show you how it turned out!
Daddy read her some books in the hotel room.
Then the next day we went to a big outlet mall. It was pretty chilly so Dad snuggled her up close! It was a pretty fun little family vacation.
I love this picture of them reading. You can see how into the book Wren is, Daddy is getting into the facial expressions, and I just melt at her little hand on his arm.
We went to Jeff and Laura's for the Super Bowl. She partied so hard that she needed a mid-game snooze.
We celebrated Valentine's Day. I posted about that HERE, but I missed this adorable picture of Grammy with Wren.
She took lots of naps...look at those lips!... 
And Greta and Laura hosted a Girls' Night to watch the Oscars. Wren was trying to indulge in Auntie's wine! (Obviously...there was NOT wine in there!) 
Big Brothers Big Sisters had our annual Bowl for Kids' Sake event, so we took the boys and Wren to bowl.
No babies were dropped or hit with bowling balls in the making of this photograph:
There was an 80's theme for the BFKS, so Wren decided to wear a little Polo shirt with her collar popped. I failed to get a good picture. :( But here she is that evening after we bowled:
I went back to work in March, so we packed February pretty full!