Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Catching Up: Easter Recap

We had a great time celebrating Wren's first Easter. I realize this is quite behind but I didn't want to forget about it!

First, we left out some treats for the Easter Bunny... 
And when Wren woke up in the morning, she had a nice surprise!.. 
And wouldn't you know...the Easter Bunny actually likes carrots! 
We headed to church where Wren cuddled up with Uncle cozy!

Then she mingled...such a little social butterfly! 
And all of that chit chatting took a lot out of her so she needed another nap, this time on Daddy. 
And when we got home, she took some time to explore her new goodies. 
Priceless picture of our rosy cheeked girl! 
Later that day, we headed over to Grammy & Papa's and we took a nice little walk. 
Here is Wren next to a cute little creek that we walked by: 
We really had a nice weekend.
We had our fun big egg hunt with Griff and Linc, a great dinner prepared by Josh the night before Easter.