Monday, September 29, 2008

our first 5K!

We did it!! We completed our first ever 5K race this past weekend. Josh and I have spent months and months getting prepared for this and are so happy to have done it. Shell did it with us and we had a really great time.

This is our only action shot with us in it. One of Josh's employees was sweet enough to take lots of pictures for us, but I forgot to charge the camera so it died right before we crossed the finish line.

We all did pretty well. The goal that Josh and I set out for was to just run the entire thing without having to walk. Then, we thought that we should try to do it within 40 minutes. But after running our 3 or so miles several times a week and realizing that we were coming in at much under 40 minutes, we decided that 35 would be a good goal. We did it! Josh finished in just about 31 minutes and Shell and I finished in just over 34. He finished and then waited for me by the finish line so that we could cross together holding hands, just like we do every night when we run at home.

There are a few races that we've looked at and we're hoping to do one or two more 5Ks before the end of the year. Then we'll start increasing our distance to prepare for a 10K next year. This was so exciting for us.