Thursday, July 13, 2006

Josh & Ronnie's Fishing/Camping Trip

Here are some pics from the camping trip that Josh and Ronnie went on. Josh had a blast but he got a little, as in, blistered! He was a sad sight his first night back but things are getting better. We won't even talk about his shirt when he got home from work tonight from the blisters leaking...ick! But now I'm jealous because he's about a hundred shades darker than me.
Here is Ronnie in the water

And here is Josh at the campsite

Here is Ronnie's big catch

And here is Josh's!! I think he probably needed some help reeling that one in!!

Here is a pic of Josh snoozin. Those are what I'd call some major tan lines!

Here is some evidence that the racoons left behind. I guess they like Life Savers hard candies.

And here are the cute little beasts! They heard them fighting at night and they got into their latched cooler. Smart little fellas. Looks like they sure do like watermelon!
I tried to get one of the fire but it won't upload. But it wouldn't be a camping trip without the campfire! It was impressive indeed.