Tuesday, December 15, 2009

our baby is gone

Sometimes life just isn't fair. We went for our 10 week appointment yesterday and there was no heartbeat. Our doctor said the baby stopped growing at about 9 weeks. I will have surgery on Thursday morning and they will do genetic tests and we may be able to find out what the baby was.

We are hurting so much right now and pretty much just trying to make it through the days but we appreciate everyone's prayers. Please pray for our sweet angel and for our families who are all hurting with us.

I don't regret sharing our news before the first trimester was up. We saw the heartbeat at one appointment and heard it at another and everything seemed to be moving along perfectly. Our baby was loved beyond words by so many people after we shared our news so I will never regret it. I am just sorry that so many people have to hurt with us now. We don't know what happened; I am trying not to blame myself. I try to think that there was nothing I could have done but it's a very difficult thing when your own body betrays you in this way.

Please lift our baby up and pray for peace and comfort for Josh and I and our families. We will get through this together just as we have the past 3 years' worth of struggles.