Thursday, May 04, 2006

Coming up on 4 months!!!

Holy panick Batman!!!
FOUR months. FOUR!!! Thankfully, we have EVERYthing booked. Now we just need to pay the people!! :) We had our first wedding fight this past week. The stress is kicking in! But we got it resolved. We bicker, we don't really fight. But this, this was a fight. The budget is strict and we have to stick to it. That's all there is to it. But that doesn't mean it's easy by any stretch of the imagination!! Thankfully, we have made every vendor decision together, so I'm not to blame entirely for being a small bit of a smudge over budget. However, we will be cutting a couple of things that I was REALLY excited about...but that's's the right thing to do. There are still plenty of things that we can do to remain under budget, so I'm not worried. I just thought it wouldn't be a true "us" blog if I didn't share some of the trials of planning this extravaganza! Our relationship isn't perfect...but gosh is it great!
On a more exciting note, we were able to register last week. WOW talk about tiring!! We had done our Pampered Chef one a while ago, mostly just for the fun of it. But last week, we decided to take on the adventure. It was a lot of fun. I had to be in charge of the gun because Josh couldn't get it to scan just once. There's probably no need for 4 trashcans or crock pots, right? And I also learned that Kohl's has a TON of fun stuff!! Josh was in charge in his store, but it was a little funny to see his employee giggling that he didn't exactly know how to get the gun prepared. I think she got a kick out of that. Then we headed to Bed Bath and Beyond, but weren't able to finish before they were ready to close. SO we went back a few nights later and then we did our Target one too. We all know how much I love Target, and how I could literally just wander the place for hours on end...however, this night (to Josh's benefit), I was way too tired to browse. It was a get-in-and-get-out night!! Then we crashed! But it's a check off the good 'ole list!!
And flowers are all figured out. That's a great thing. We're going to order invites in the next week or two, and continue to watch the time fly by!!
F.O.U.R. Months. Do you believe it???