Friday, June 16, 2006

Yipee!! Three months!!!

Invites came in the mail TODAY! And Josh and I went and picked out tuxes last night and got him fitted. Also, Abby, on of my wonderful friends (and bridesmaid) has gotten me in contact with a friend who did our hair for her wedding. I think we are going to be able to have Kelsey and another stylist come to the house for MUCH cheaper than going to a salon, not to mention that we will be able to relax and enjoy the morning!! That's great news!! Things are moving along at a rapid pace, but it seems that everything is falling into place!

On a bad note, BOTH of our computers crashed!!!! :( First our upstairs computer went kaput a few months ago, and then we get home Monday and the laptop is dunzo. Ironically enough, we received a claim in the mail THAT day because there is a class action against the company due to the laptops overheating themselves. Hmm. Wish we had known that A DAY earlier!! Needless to say, we didn't have our stuff backed up and it looks like everything (including ALL of our pictures) might be lost. We're sending everything to Jeremy in Boston to see if he can work wonders and at least retrieve the pics. The bad part is that our videographer is waiting on pics from us to start our photo montage for the wedding. Hmm...we may have to see how creative he can get by stretching a handful of pictures throughout an entire song! Anyway, that explains the lack of updatage, but we will be sure to get back on as soon as everything is A-Okay!

**By the way, lots of people have asked about the new job.....and I'm LOVING it! It's definitely a lot of information and it will be a huge adventure, but I'm really enjoying it. I'm not enjoying the required pantyhose, but that's my only complaint. :) I think I'll live. Thanks for the inquiries though everyone!