Sunday, December 20, 2009
12 Days of GIving, Day 4
Posted by Christina at 6:53 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
our baby is gone
Sometimes life just isn't fair. We went for our 10 week appointment yesterday and there was no heartbeat. Our doctor said the baby stopped growing at about 9 weeks. I will have surgery on Thursday morning and they will do genetic tests and we may be able to find out what the baby was.
We are hurting so much right now and pretty much just trying to make it through the days but we appreciate everyone's prayers. Please pray for our sweet angel and for our families who are all hurting with us.
I don't regret sharing our news before the first trimester was up. We saw the heartbeat at one appointment and heard it at another and everything seemed to be moving along perfectly. Our baby was loved beyond words by so many people after we shared our news so I will never regret it. I am just sorry that so many people have to hurt with us now. We don't know what happened; I am trying not to blame myself. I try to think that there was nothing I could have done but it's a very difficult thing when your own body betrays you in this way.
Please lift our baby up and pray for peace and comfort for Josh and I and our families. We will get through this together just as we have the past 3 years' worth of struggles.
Posted by Christina at 10:45 PM
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Jordy's Holiday Party
Posted by Christina at 9:56 PM
12 Days of Giving, Day 3
Here are the only pictures that I remembered to snag at the very beginning of the auction. It looks a little disorganized, but I swear it wasn't!
Posted by Christina at 9:37 PM
12 Days of Giving, Day 2
(Top: Wendi, Susan; Bottom: Debbie, Cyndy, Denise)
Also, I wanted to share this cute picture of my coworkers. I took a tray of cranberry bliss bars in and was going to count that as one of my 12 Days of Giving, but Josh said it doesn't count because they're not needy! TRUE! So instead I will just call it a thank you. They were all so incredibly supportive during our quest for a baby, and all told me at different times that they were praying, so cranberry bliss bars are the least I can do to say thank you! They were all so excited about our news!
Posted by Christina at 9:13 PM
12 Days of Giving, Day 1
Every year, Josh and I figure out some way to give back during the holidays. For the past few years, we have spent most of our efforts on Jubilee Christmas at church. We usually donate a lot of toys that Josh picks up for inexpensively throughout the year at work and they are used for the "shopping" portion of Jubilee Christmas where the parents get to go in three or four different times to pick items out for their children in addition to the ones that were purchased by a sponsor. In addition to that, we typically select two or three children to buy for, so we get a list of clothing items and toys that they want and we go shop for them.
This year, I was inspired by my friend Laura to take a different approach to holiday giving. Many of my blogger buddies did a similar thing in the month of November where tried to give back in some way every day. I didn't get it together in time to do that, so when Laura told me about her plan for giving back throughout the month of December (I think she's doing every day, which is sooo ambitious!), I decided to get on board! I thought it would be fun to do 12 Days of Giving, so Josh and I sat down and tried to think of some different things that we could do throughout the community. It's been fun!!
For Day 1, we donated to Laura's Christmas Gift Drive. She knew of a family that was struggling this year, so she decided to raise money to help them and shopped at a store that is locally owned (she is in Ft. Wayne) to help out the owners, too. I'm so impressed with her generosity and thankful for the inspiration! This is a great way for us to give back to the community because we understand that we lead very blessed lives but there are so many people who do not. It's something that is on our hearts and we've had fun picking out some of the things we're going to do to give back. Stay tuned for more updates!!
Posted by Christina at 8:56 PM
Monday, November 30, 2009
6(+) Rounds of Clomid.....................................................$$
3 Rounds of Femara.........................................................$$
4 Months of Acupuncture.................................................$$
Dozens of pregnancy tests & OPKs....................................$$
2 Rounds of Injectable Drugs............................................$$$
5 IUIs...............................................................................$$$
2 Hysterosalpingograms...................................................$$$$
1 Hysteroscopy & Laproscopy Surgery...............................$$$$$
2 Reproductive Endocrinologists......................................$$$$$
Finding out we're PREGNANT after 38
months of trying, and even having basically
scheduled IVF for January...................................................PRICELESS!!!!!
Yes, my friends, you read that correctly! The Wright's are havin' a baby!!!
Now, for the sappy part...
We cannot express to you how much we have appreciated the past 3 years' worth of your support, your prayers, your kind words, your thoughts, your willingness to grieve with us, to get frustrated and angry with us, to laugh with us and to lift us up. We have had the most supportive and loving families and friends through this incredibly difficult journey. We have so appreciated those of you who have asked about how things are going, offered support or just an ear and a shoulder. You will never know the amount of gratitude that we have. Thank you!!
We have tried very hard to remain positive through these 3 long years. We always tried (though we can't claim to have been perfect) to be excited and joyful about the news of friends' pregnancies. We tried to see the bright side and tried to remain hopeful that our day would come. We have enjoyed being newlyweds, getting to travel, and truly settling into what we think is a pretty amazing marriage. We enjoyed the financial freedom and the ability to create a stable and loving home for our future children, not only financially, but also emotionally and maritally. But you all know that we had one teeny tiny, yet oh-so gigantic, missing piece, that, as much as we love Kowe and Luke, two little dogs just couldn't fill.
There are few things that will test a marriage like infertility. It is straining in every way imaginable...emotionally, spiritually, physically, romantically, is not an easy road. But we like to think we did it with a little bit of grace. We have said all along that WHEN it happened, we would know it was RIGHT, and it was perfect. Today, we would not take back one day of our journey....not one day, one tear, one breath, one dollar. Because today, we are overjoyed and humbled that we have been blessed with OUR miracle baby. THIS is the baby that we have waited for. THIS is our precious gift and we can say unequivocally that THIS baby was worth every moment of the wait. Our difficulties have only made this pregnancy that much sweeter. We think we're able to appreciate it on a deeper level, to anticipate with greater understanding of the blessings we have been given, and to celebrate in a way that we would not have been able to do had we gotten pregnant on our honeymoon as we had hoped all those years ago. Don't get me wrong, we would certainly have been overjoyed, but I just mean to say that we are thankful for everything we have learned, the friendships we have built, the support and unconditional love we have seen from others and from each other. We would not have known those things without this struggle. There has never in the history of mankind been a MORE wanted baby! And there have never been two people MORE in love with a little kidney bean-sized sweetheart.
SO....that's that! We're pregnant! Roughly 8 weeks as of this past Monday and we heard the heartbeat tonight. We are due in mid-July and we're on cloud 9!
Posted by Christina at 8:22 PM
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pumpkin Carving with my Buddies
Posted by Christina at 12:26 AM
Double Date
Posted by Christina at 12:15 AM
Purdue Football Season!!
Posted by Christina at 12:07 AM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Anniversary/Work Trip to Philadelphia
Here is a creepy chair from the barber shop.
Next, we walked to the Museum of Art to do the obligatory Rocky Run up the steps. Here's Josh taking his handsome calves for a quick run up:
And here we are by the statue:
Posted by Christina at 10:11 PM