12 Days of Giving, Day 3
Day 3 was several months of work coming to an end!! This year, my young professionals organization decided to do a silent auction during our annual gala. I volunteered to chair the committee and it ended up being a LOT of work! I had a few people helping me (1 helped a ton, others, here and there), but essentially, it came down to a lot of work for two of us! However, I think it turned out really well. We got a lot of compliments on the variety of items and had a few really amazing big ticket items including a huge piece of artwork and a party with a private sushi chef. We raised almost $1,000 over our original goal, so I call it a success!
Here are the only pictures that I remembered to snag at the very beginning of the auction. It looks a little disorganized, but I swear it wasn't!
Do you see a very handsome guy in this picture?:

Overall, this was a really fun event. Josh was so helpful and our entire loft was taken over by the 60+ auction items, but I think it was worth it!
Here are the only pictures that I remembered to snag at the very beginning of the auction. It looks a little disorganized, but I swear it wasn't!