For Day 2, I supported a great cause, plus got a treat in return! Over the years, I have absolutely loved the concept behind the (PRODUCT)
RED line at the Gap, with Starbucks and with Motorola. A portion of the proceeds from RED products goes toward helping to fight AIDS in Africa. On this particular day, Starbucks donated 5 cents for every drink, so it was the LEAST I could do! If you think about the millions of hand crafted drinks they made that day, it was a really big contribution! Plus, I had to indulge in a cranberry bliss bar because it's my favorite wintertime treat from Startucks and we were celebrating because we were on our way home from seeing our baby's heartbeat again! (NOTE: I did *not* have any caffeine, I swear.)
(Top: Wendi, Susan; Bottom: Debbie, Cyndy, Denise)
Also, I wanted to share this cute picture of my coworkers. I took a tray of cranberry bliss bars in and was going to count that as one of my 12 Days of Giving, but Josh said it doesn't count because they're not needy! TRUE! So instead I will just call it a thank you. They were all so incredibly supportive during our quest for a baby, and all told me at different times that they were praying, so cranberry bliss bars are the least I can do to say thank you! They were all so excited about our news!