snuggle bunny!
First, almost everyone who knows we use cloth diapers always asks how they're going, so I thought I'd show a cute little picture of Wren that I took last week. I'm going to work on a short post about the cloth diapers, because I don't think people expect them to be this easy (and cute!). I've had several friends ask for advice and information about them and I'm always happy to answer questions. We're really actually loving it! We do 2 extra loads of laundry each week for the diapers. To us, that's absolutely worth the waste that we're saving and also the cost savings involved. Once it warms up, we'll be able to hang them to dry in the sun which will not only save from having to use the dryer, but it also sun bleaches them.
Anyway, here's an adorable picture of Wren with her Bum Genius diaper and Babylegs! Babylegs are a huge obsession of mine!
Next, after our very busy weekend, Wren needed to relax, so she got cozied up in her jammies and slippers. Are these not the cutest little slippers from Grammy?!

Anyway, here's an adorable picture of Wren with her Bum Genius diaper and Babylegs! Babylegs are a huge obsession of mine!