pictures from the past week
On Saturday, Lincoln came over to play while Shell and Dan went to a holiday dinner. Linc was excited to play some Wii and Wren was excited to watch!

All she needs is some popcorn!
Unfortunately, our extra controller wasn't working (okay, so I'm not so battery literate), so I couldn't play with Linc, but we cheered him on. Wren had a little tummy time and slobbered all over me. She's been such a little slobberbox lately! It just so happened this was one of the nights that she had a meltdown. I felt bad for Lincoln and the dogs...I think we were all over the crying baby!
The next day, we visited Daddy at work and then Wren took her first (of many many many, we hope!) trip to the library. She got a minute of snuggle time with Auntie but they closed an hour earlier than we thought so it wasn't the fun playdate we had hoped for. But she was still a happy baby!
And I just love her face in this picture. She's sitting in the glider in her room. SUCH a big girl!