Weekend in Florida
A few weeks ago, Josh, Patty and I visited with Josh's grandpa in Sarasota for a long weekend. We had a really fun time despite having cold, rainy weather! We managed to eat our way through the greater Sarasota area, there's no doubt about that!!
One of our stops was to this huge statue. We had to be silly and get pics of ourselves and we also got some of Grandpa and Sue.
Then we headed to the beach because Grandpa loves to feed the birds! Here he is showing us that the birds could hear him coming!
I do NOT like birds. They freak me out and I'm always the one to get pooped on, so Grandpa decided that it would be funny to chase me around and try to get the birds to come to me! Funny man! What you don't see in this picture is Grandpa running behind me throwing bread at me so the birds swarmed toward me! I swear he chased me around this shack at least 3 times!

One of our stops was to this huge statue. We had to be silly and get pics of ourselves and we also got some of Grandpa and Sue.
Here are some pictures of the bird whisperer at work. It was really amazing to see the birds floating in front of him and they would catch the bread in the air.

Here's a cute picture of Josh, Grandpa and Patty:
Another day, we went to see the manitees. I wanted to get in and swim and cuddle and kiss them, but this was the closest we could get. Unfortunately, it was rainy when we went, but it was fun to watch them. They're so cute. We also got to see lots of stingrays playing and flying out of the water. They were feisty that day!

Later, we went to a beach in Treasure Island, where Grandpa and Patty and their whole family used to go every year. Here's a picture of Josh and his mom on the beach (it was coooold!):
And here is a picture of some birds that hang out in Grandpa's little neighborhood. One of the white ones actually goes into one of the houses down the street! The lady cuts up hot dogs in the shape of worms. Patty and Josh and Grandpa also fed them. The brown one became so fond of the treats Patty fed him that we hear he still comes to visit Grandpa every morning!
And I just thought this was a funny picture. It looks photoshopped but it isn't!
Like I mentioned before, we did a LOT of eating! We visited a delicious Amish restaurant that had been on Man vs. Food (yum!). We had yummy ice cream! We had delicious seafood and Josh loooved his fish tacos. And we visited this place below. It is a restaurant in a traincar with a circus theme. They own the original traincar that was used by John Ringling from the Ringling Brothers Circus. It's attached to the car shown below and they are renovating it. It was an interesting experience to say the least. Oddly enough, I was in the middle of listening to Water for Elephants (which is about a traveling circus that competes with Ringling Brothers) so visiting this was particularly interesting to me.