March for Babies Walk
This morning, I had the pleasure of joining my two friends, Laura and Laura for the March of Dimes' March for Babies Walk. (Side note, I should introduce them Bob Newhart-style: "Hi, I'm Christina. This is my friend, Laura, and this is my other friend, Laura." We won't even go into the number of Laura's, Lauren's and Lori's that I either work with or am friends's approaching a dozen!)
Anyway, we walked the 4 miles together and had a great time doing it! I could have fun reading the phone book with these girls! I can't believe how many people were at the walk, it was really amazing. But we got a little cardio in and between the three of us, we raised over $1000 for a great cause. Put a few professional fundraisers together and we'll get the job done! We had a fantastic day for the was gorgeous out with some sun, some clouds, and a really nice breeze! Here's a pic from before we started the walk. We were too busy talking to take any more pictures except for one with Sloop (in the middle) and Chester the Cheetah.
I want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to my fundraiser. I was so excited to surpass my goal!! So...thank you to: Annie, Josh, Ron, Patty, Jeremy, Lisa, Alex, Rhonda, Laura, Wendi, Mark and Mary! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!
After I got home, we pulled out the hammock and I was able to read and nap outside with the dogs and enjoy the breezy sunny weather! Everything is better when the sun is shining!!
Happy Spring!