We decided to have Thanksgiving dinner with our cousins (and aunt) this year, which we've never done before. We always laugh a LOT when these guys are around, so we decided we needed to get together for the holidays. Josh had to work that night so he didn't get to come to Shell's, but we had a fun time!

We played lots of games. Cheers!

We had the boys take pictures before going to bed. This is DeAndre and Linc...I'm not sure where Carter and Griff were. But how adorable is this picture??!

Then later on, we decided to do some photo shoots ourselves. This is Matt, Robin, Shell, DeAndre, Tracey and me:

Then we decided to reinact some of our sibling photos a la 1987.

I *so* wish I had the originals of these...so hilarious!!!

Then Danny and Matt decided to get rowdy with us. Here's Matt picking people up:

And Danny trying to feel people up!:

My cheeks hurt the next day!