for my hubby

He is so proud for capturing one of my hair flips (which, by the way, he can imitate pretty darn well).
In other news, we booked a getaway for early 2009!! We're going to start the new year off right with a week full of relaxation. For the past few months, we had planned on taking a cruise in January because the prices are so great right now. However, over the past few weeks, Josh and I have discussed our history of going on vacations and packing our days full to the extent that we are exhausted by the end of the vacation. We are certain that we would do exactly that on a cruise, so we have been tossing around the idea of a cottage getaway in which we pack up ourselves and the dogs and get away to relax and enjoy our sweet family for a few days. With Josh's crazy busy 4th Quarter, this option started sounding better and better.
To top things off, one of my coworkers has a timeshare that has several extra weeks which will go unused and she generously offered to let us stay at one of the available destinations if we could find something we liked. We had a list of about 10 places that I had narrowed it down to (ranging from Williamsburg to Utah to Asheville) and then Josh and I sat down and eliminated all but three based on distance, the resort/cottages offered, and our desire to CHILL OUT. It came down to Door County, WI, Branson, MO and the Poconos in PN. From there, I did a lot of research as to whether we would be able to take the dogs, what the actual cottages looked like, if there were any local attractions/quaint shopping, etc., and I had it narrowed down to 2 different places in Branson, MO. (Crazy, huh?!? I never would have thought that we'd ever go to BRANSON, MO, of all places!! Especially with our track record for vacations!! But we're actually really excited.)
It came down to Stormy Point Village, which are these adorable houses that are all very bright with white picket fences and they have been made to imitate Cape Cod-style homes, OR the Cabins at Green Mountain which are log cabin-style and very quaint and peaceful (similar to the cabin we stayed at during the worst vacation ever). After an office-wide poll (thanks everyone!), all votes led to the cabin. (Josh told me just to choose...he didn't care after looking at the website.) We all agreed that if it were a summer getaway, the Village would have been great, but the cabins will be amazing with some snow (we hope)!
So the countdown begins for a week with board games, movies, magazines, books, pj's, lots of wine, some vajunka, two snuggly pups and two snuggly people! We plan on being holed up in the cabin, cooking dinner and reeeelllllaaaxinnng! We can't wait!!