more PU football
After a late night (and realizing how old we all are), we were up bright and early the next morning for some tailgating. Well...let me rephrase that! SOME OF US were up bright and early. We had a delicious breakfast and waited for the sun to come up. It was nice and cold!
Some played corn hole.
Here are 2 of the late bloomers. We'll just say that Shell had a reaaallllly good night the night before. She deserves it, though. She never lets loose and she's always busy taking care of everyone else. And, I have to say that she looks really great for the condition she was in!

I loved this!! Jeff's truck has a cooler in the bed of it, so we filled it with ice and put our drinks in there. So convenient!

I loved this!! Jeff's truck has a cooler in the bed of it, so we filled it with ice and put our drinks in there. So convenient!

Here are all the girls (Sara, Laura, me, Jenny, Shell):
And the guys (Josh, Eric, Danny, Brian, Jeff):

And here is Shell posing with the gifts she left us the night before:
Shell and Danny at the game:
Me and Josh at the game:
Jenny, Shell, me:
Shell taking a little rest:
Me and Danny at the game:

We had a great time! And the best part was a Boilermaker WIN! (Finally!!!)