Last week, we had a Boiler Mixer at the
Indiana State Museum. Boiler mixers are essentially alumni get-togethers hosted by the College that I work for and the office that I work in plans them from start to finish. They always turn out to be great fun. We had one at
Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant earlier this summer (which was aaahhhh-mazing!). Anyway, back to the one this week...the museum is hosting
Chocolate: The Exhibition, which is a traveling exhibit that has been all over the country and even to Paris. You can imagine that, as a staff of 7 women, we got rather excited at the thought of an event centered around CHOCOLATE! Here are a few pictures from the event...I ran out of time and didn't get any pictures of the actual exhibit, which was actually really fascinating, but I snapped a few pictures before people started arriving.
I love the watermelon with the Purdue logo. The presentation was beautiful all around...and it tasted even better than it looked!

I had to snap a picture of
Wendi driving what we deemed the "party bus!" She drove the van (aka BUS) that even beeped when we reversed. We had three of our student Ambassadors with us and I also got a cute picture of them, but I'm not posting that one.

Finally, here is a picture of me that is a replay of some funny pictures that we took at state fair. See, I attended my first EVER state fair back in August (the last time I was at the state fair was when my mom went the day before she had me!). Since I had missed out on all that fair food, I vowed to EAT my way through the fair! And that, I did...corn on the cob, real ice cream, corn dogs, cheese fries, deep fried candybars, you name it!! (Granted, we were there for like 14 hours, so I had plenty of time to spread my food out, but I was quite proud of my fair food marathon!) Anyway, we took lots of great pictures of me as I ate my way through the day. Unfortunately, I think I lost all of the pictures when our computer crashed. I don't believe I ever posted them. So here is a picture that Wendi posted on her blog of me double-fisting it! Coffee and chocolate all at once!

This was all on Monday night and then on Tuesday, I went back to Indy with some fellow Development Officers to a dinner where our Vice President won the Fundraising Executive of the Year award. It was a pretty great week!! I have the BEST.JOB.EVER!
Tomorrow is the final home football game against IU. We're playing for last in the Big 10. Something to be proud of. Luckily, basketball season is upon us and things are looking good in that arena. As a side note, we tried to get some tickets to the Purdue-Duke basketball game that Dick Vitale will attend. Josh thought it would be great fun and then when I started asking around, I found that tickets were going for as much as $1000 each!! Needless to say, if we see that game, it will be from the comfort of our couch. Tomorrow, we are going to start our Christmas decorating! Then we're excited for Thanksgiving dinner at home with our pups. More updates this week!