Thursday, November 27, 2008
Giving Thanks (version 2.0)

J carving the turkey:

My mom came over for lunch and she filled up on Josh's delicious cooking, too!:
Eat up!:

Me and my sweet, gorgeous hubby! (bearded and all...)

Kowe Sue always finds out who will be handing out scraps!
After eating, we all relaxed on the couch for a bit and then ate some dessert. After that, we all crashed and took a nap, even my mom! Here's a picture of the dogs...they were tuckered out!!
Our day was long, restful, food-filled and wonderful! We did miss our families (besides mom), but we were thankful to be at home with our dogs. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we thought we would give thanks like we did last year.
- As always, we are most thankful for our happy home. We are blessed to have a strong marriage and we have been through some very difficult things this year...things that tend to drive many couples apart. Thankfully, we have only been driven closer through all that we've endured. That's certainly not to say that things are all roses and butterflies, all of the time, but things are really very good, which is more than we can hope for!
- Our babies are second on the list because they complete our sweet little family. They bring joy to us that I'm sure no one else understands, but they have carried us through a lot of those tough times that I mentioned before. (Lukey is *the* most compassionate dog and he knows how to cuddle you at just the right times when you're feeling down. He's very intuitive and seems to be highly empathetic. I have cried on Lukey's shoulder more times that I care to admit! For that, I am very thankful.) Yes, we have had our fair share of bites, fights and barking fits, but we wouldn't trade those two mop-heads for the world.
- Family is a given. Being close to family is such a blessing and we appreciate all of the time that we are able to spend with them. Personally, I am beyond thankful for the strength and support of my sister. She is the only person (aside from Josh) that I know I don't have to pretend with. She gets me better than anyone. I am also incredibly thanful for the best in-laws that a girl could ever ask for. I say that a lot, but it is really true...and unusual, unfortunately. I wish more people were able to experience the kind of in-laws that I have.
- We're thankful for our abundance of nephews! They offer lots of entertainment, that is for sure. Nothing makes you feel better than when those little boys light up at the sight of you. They melt our hearts every day.
- Along that same line, we are not only thankful for Alex's healthy and safe arrival, but also for the joy that he has brought to everyone, especially his proud daddy. We can't wait to watch him grow and his picture updates are a highlight of our week!
- We are thankful for friends, both new and old. We have gained some wonderful friends this year and continue to be thankful for the friends that we have had all along. Good friends are hard to come by and we're lucky to have the ones that we do!
- In looking back over the past year, we realize how very lucky we are to have been able to see new places and experience new things.
- I am so thankful to still love my job. It's still my dream job and I work with a group of wonderful ladies, which makes things even better.
- Pretty much, it comes down to the people in our lives that we're thankful for. Things are pretty good in the Wright household these days!
Posted by Christina at 9:01 PM
christmas is all around us...
Here are a couple of pictures of our festive decor. You'll see some in the Thanksgiving pics, too.

Notice Kowe's long tongue out. She's a kisser!
J getting us organized!
Posted by Christina at 8:32 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008

This was all on Monday night and then on Tuesday, I went back to Indy with some fellow Development Officers to a dinner where our Vice President won the Fundraising Executive of the Year award. It was a pretty great week!! I have the BEST.JOB.EVER!
Tomorrow is the final home football game against IU. We're playing for last in the Big 10. Something to be proud of. Luckily, basketball season is upon us and things are looking good in that arena. As a side note, we tried to get some tickets to the Purdue-Duke basketball game that Dick Vitale will attend. Josh thought it would be great fun and then when I started asking around, I found that tickets were going for as much as $1000 each!! Needless to say, if we see that game, it will be from the comfort of our couch. Tomorrow, we are going to start our Christmas decorating! Then we're excited for Thanksgiving dinner at home with our pups. More updates this week!
Posted by Christina at 9:00 PM
Saturday, November 08, 2008
more PU football

I loved this!! Jeff's truck has a cooler in the bed of it, so we filled it with ice and put our drinks in there. So convenient!

We had a great time! And the best part was a Boilermaker WIN! (Finally!!!)
Posted by Christina at 8:51 PM
the doggies on halloween
This year, Lukey was a Purdue football player.

Posted by Christina at 8:42 PM
halloween fun

Shell and Danny:

Posted by Christina at 8:17 PM