it's all in a night's time
I watched the boys on Saturday night in order for Shell to have a night out. We had all kinds of fun!! I took over a huge bag filled with all sorts of stickers and ribbons and markers and glue and we went to town making cards for Mommy. Lincoln loved it...Griff, not as much. He was more into reading a book and watching Ninja Turtles. But Linc and I had fun.
Here's Griff with one of his books.
And then he showed me how he can write. He wrote his name first...
...and then he wrote "Sissy" as I spelled it out. I was pretty impressed!
Here's Linc and Auntie HeeHee (as Linc says it) playing arts and crafts
Here's the finished project!
Then we did some somersaults
Then Uncle Josh came over before he went to play cards with Danny. Linc shot some hoops with a little help from J. (Not sure what those creepy orb things are...they showed up on 2 pictures...cuuureeepy!)
Then Griff jumped around on one foot for a while

Here's Griff giving Uncle Josh bear hugs

Here's Griff giving Uncle Josh bear hugs

Here is a cute picture of Griff playing his guitar
We had such a fun night and the boys were really tuckered out. (So was I!)