It is no secret that we have some spoiled rotten dogs on our hands. We are the first to admit that we probably shouldn't let them sleep in the bed and that we (I) treat them far too much like humans as opposed to dogs. Cesar would be very disappointed in us (me).
Well, our little attack dog has struck again. She bit me the other night while in bed. I take full responsibility because a.) she shouldn't be in bed with us in the first place and b.) the whole thing came about because I felt bad and didn't want to move Lukey off of my pillow, which put me too close to her.
But taking responsibility doesn't make it hurt any less. So I decided to take some know, the same way that abused wives sometimes do so that if they end up murdered, you know who to go after...
I ended up with 4 stitches. It hurts and I've had a headache for 2 full days now, not to mention that I was trying to get back on schedule after being on California time for 8 days. So,'s been a bit of a rough week (which you can probably tell from the bloodshot eyes!). But I will survive and I'm not nearly as worried about the scar as Josh seems to be. I think he's afraid I'm going to look like Frankenstein after these stitches come out! I keep saying that I don't claim my face as one of my better qualities anyway, so it's not a big deal to me.
So along the theme of evil dogs, I treated myself to some evil puppy chow. Evil because I could eat pounds and pounds of the crap and the calories aren't helping me get ready for this 5K! Evil, but oh, so wonderful...just like my little girl!
As a side note, the devil dog is going to the Vet tomorrow. I'm not sure what Dr. B. will do, but hopefully she can refer us to a reputable trainer. And, in case you're wondering, they have officially been banned from the bed. But one trainer that I talked to told me an interesting story that I will share, in a small way of defending my maneating little bunny (yes, I call her bunny...what of it?!). She reminded me that Lhasa Apsos were Tibetan guard dogs, which we knew. But she also told me that their small stature was helpful in having them protect the monks, as they would lie under their robes or inside their huge sleeves while the monks napped and if anyone approached too quickly or with too much force, the dogs were trained to attack. This makes sense, as every time that Kowe has bitten someone, it has always been almost an instinctual thing and a reaction to someone moving too quickly or getting too close. Just a little food for thought before anyone calls the dog police and has her locked up!