So on Friday, we went whale watching and it was absolutely amazing. Truly, we (or at least I) were dumbfounded! I am so in love with these big gentle creatures!!
Here's Josh and Jeremy...so excited to be posing for a picture in public. :)
So we left from Boston Harbor and it was like 90-something and HOT! But once the boat got going it was perfect!
We weren't sure what we would see. Or if we would see anything, but we got lucky! The guide said that our watch was one of the best that they've had in a really long time. We saw three different types of whales, and possibly even four. We know that we saw humpbacks (and even a momma and her calf!), some miki whales (which are smaller) and some fin whales (which don't tend to put their tails out of the water...they're the longer looking ones that keep their fins out most of the time...hence the name!) But the guide said something about Wright whales as well, but it was never clear as to whether any of the ones we saw were that. (We'll pretend that we did since it's our last name...just because.) But she did say that we saw over 12 different whales which is just unheard of!! We got really lucky!
You can see two here...aaaahhmazing!
and two here too...
Here's a fin whale
another one up close
and here are some tail pics...

...and then HERE is where we hit the mother load!!! we saw so many of them eating. It's crazy! The seagulls know they're coming up, so they flock around and land right on their heads.

Me using my mad camera skills...

And to top it all off, we met Lisa for dinner. (She had to work, so she didn't go whale watching with us, but she's lucky enough to work RIGHT in the middle of all of these buildings downtown...I SO envy her in that respect!) Anyway, we at at THIS place, and I ate an entire meal of seafood for the first time ever!! We had crab claws, some tasty spicy shrimp, and lobster rolls, crab cake burgers, the entire works! It was fantastic. Yum.

Then we headed home and relaxed. We had seriously such a great (or, should I say...LEGENDARY) time the entire weekend. It sucks to be so far away from these guys, but it's great when we get to see them. I know Josh and Jeremy had fun beating eachother in football and it was just a great weekend. We won't say who won at football. But again, we want to thank you guys for having us and for all of the thought and planning that you put into making it such a great weekend for us. HAVE FUN IN VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love you guys!