Cubs Game!
We took a quick day trip to Chicago to meet up with Travis and catch a Cubs game. It was so much fun!!
Here we are at a microbrewery before the game. We got some deep dish too! (Though I took us on a LONG walk only to find that my favorite Chicago-style deep dish restaurant was CLOSED! Suck!) But our pizza and beer were great nonetheless!
(This is BEFORE they got their dorky Cubs visors that they INSISTED on wearing just to spite me!) :)
My favorite city in the background...
Sadly, the game went into extra innings (15!!) and we had to leave at 12:30 or so because we had a mile and a half-or-so walk back to the hotel and Travis was in town for business, so he had a meeting early. The game was fun, but turned out to be a disappointing loss. Boo.