Wedding Week Pics...
Okay, here will be a few posts with some pictures from the wedding week. It's been an amazing week and now we're getting ready to head out for the honeymoon!! I just thought I'd give a sneak peak at some of the pics to come...we'll see ya on the other side!!! :)
Here are some pics from the pre-wedding happenings...
On Thursday, Shell took me to Samson & Delilah's for a massage and pedicure...can you tell we were relaxed?!?!

Then Thursday night, Lisa and Travis & Lilian got in, so we all met for dinner at Puccinni's. It was pretty fun and then we went to Jess & Fritz's to finish programs.
Friday night was the rehearsal. Patty & Ronnie made it look so can see the tables and the chocolate fountain..
And here is a pic with all of the couples..
And here's Bub, me and Shell
Best of all, here is the cutest picture ever. Patty made Kowe a wedding dress and veil. She looks so adorable. The veil didn't stay on for long, but the dress looked so cute on her. We're going to miss her so much!!!

Lastly, here is a pic of my, do I have some hair!! Lotsa curls there...but I loved it and Kelsey did such an amazing job...she's a miracle worker!

And here's Bub, me and Shell

Lastly, here is a pic of my, do I have some hair!! Lotsa curls there...but I loved it and Kelsey did such an amazing job...she's a miracle worker!