bachelorette party continued.... taking a break from presents to sip a beer:)
I wonder what was so funny!
Abby was very into the conversation!
I love this pic of Shell and I even though it's very blurry...
Me, Bub, Shell
Bub and Patty
Shots for the sisters!!
Abby seems to be getting some wise advice from Penny...

As for Josh's bachelor party...well, the boys were given strict orders to take some pics, but somehow they "forgot." Josh says that what was said in the bachelor party should remain at the bachelor party. (the same should PROBABLY hold true for mine, but it was too fun not to share!) The only problem with Josh's rule is that no one else who was there seemed to think it was a good rule, so they all spilled the beans on their conversations!! We'll just leave it at that... Either way, we both had a great time and it was a nice release right before this hectic week!!!