Okay, so everyone knows that Kowe is spoiled. We admit it. It's no secret. Well, she came home from the vet a changed woman...she was more clingy and sometimes whiney....very normal after a major surgery. Very normal. But it lasted for several days (actually, up until yesterday). She has had a very needy connection with her buddies. And to top it off, she has been hanging out in her cage with her buddies (she normally HATES her cage). We were told that sometimes when girl dogs are fixed, they sort of go through a hormonal thing where they think they just had a baby. I think that Kowe did this to an extent. She carries one of two buddies around at all times. She tucks them in to the blanket, she lays with them, she hides them when she's not going to be with them. What a good mommy, right?! It's started to subside, but it really is most adorable to think about it. And sad, too, that she'll never be able to be a mommy. :( At least not to real puppies...but her buddies seem to be doing the job.
She loves to be under the covers and, as you see here, the pillows. We see you Kowe girl.

So yes, she has been pampered. Here, you can see her wanting her belly rubbed. And Josh probably gave in without any hesitation. We're both guilty. But how do you say no to that face?

And the kicker is that we had to HAND feed the girl! Yep, that's right. I think at first she was just not feeling well and didn't want to eat. So we hand fed her for the first two days. Then it became like our duty to feed her whenever she needed. Today, we took her to the vet and she told us we were getting played!! She said that we're going to have to be firm about not feeding her. She said it won't kill her not to eat for a day..and if she gets hungry enough, she'll eat. By george, she did. She's eaten LOTS of times today!! What a little pill. I guess when you're that sweet, you can be a pill. She's worth it.