Caleb had a tourney this weekend, and we haven't been able to go to any of his other games so far, but we were thankfully able to go today! They played three games today and won all three!!! I'm convinced that Caleb is going to play for the Cubs (or the Cards if papaw has is way about it!)and get me good seats whenever I want!!!
Here is a pic of Caleb at bat. He did awesome today!

Griff *loves* the games! He was so good. He's a huge ham and had the entire set of bleachers for an audience....he was quite entertaining. But he loves to clap for his big brother and do high-5s when things go our way!

Here is Griff and I playing a fun game of ours.....where I bounce him and sing a song, and then he falls in the gutter. He gets so excited when he knows the gutter part is coming. I love how excited he looks....I DON'T love my double chin!! :)

One more of Griff and I. We took Kowe and she was so good...but now she's beat!
I love baseball in the summer!! Especially when we get to watch Caleb and see how talented he is.