Apple Orchard
Last Tuesday, Josh was already off, so I decided to take the afternoon off and we took a family trip to the apple orchard. Josh packed us a picnic and Wren loved it!
This picture makes me kind of sad...she's sitting like such a little lady. She doesn't resemble a baby at all. :(

Does it get any cuter?
This picture makes me kind of sad...she's sitting like such a little lady. She doesn't resemble a baby at all. :(
Does it get any cuter?
She was content eating her cheese and grapes until she saw my sandwich. Then she insisted upon taking "real" bites of it. Complete with prissy hands.
For some reason, we failed to take too many pictures out in the orchard. It is really toward the tail-end of the season, so the trees were pretty well picked over. But we were able to find about 10 pounds' worth. Wren, as you can see, inspected the product: