Back in May, we took a family trip to the Boston area to visit Wren's cousins, Uncle Jeremy & Aunt Lisa.
During the trip, there were lots of firsts!
We encountered Wren's first, second, third and fourth flights. The flights there were really great. The flights home, not so much. It was kind of horrible, actually. She had been off of her schedule for several days with the trip, and then our flights were during her sleeptime, but she was too overstimulated to sleep. We also were dealing with some ear infections, but thankfully the flight didn't seem to bother her ears. We probably should have shown up with earplugs for everyone around us!
But it turned out okay in the end. Here are a few pictures:
First Flight!
On the way home, zonked on Daddy:
This was a happy point for her during our layover on the way home! It's sooo weird to see these pictures now! She was so little and babylike! It's amazing how quickly they change. All in all, she really was a trooper for the trip.
She loved looking out the window. This kept her well entertained!
Here's a quick video of her on the flight:
We took a daytrip to Cape Cod where we took Wren to the beach for the first time.
It was pretty cold that day, but we were able to let her put her toes in the sand a bit. We also collected sand for our tradition of collecting sand whenever Wren visits the ocean. (We started it when we went to Florida when I was pregnant.)
Does it get any cuter than this little beach babe?!

Later on in our trip, we visited a dairy farm. I had to take Wren's picture next to all of the yummy CARBS!!
And she got to see cows for the first time! She was dressed appropriately in her little milkmaid's outfit. :)
Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jeremy got a special cake welcoming Wren to their house. It was so delicious for the rest of us to get to enjoy!
Wren also went swimming for the first time while we were there. Here she is getting ready in her cute little swim diaper:
She had a little talk with Uncle Jeremy before heading down to swim:
And she loved the water!
All those rolls and ruffles, oh my CUTE!
We took a little rest while Daddy and Uncle Jeremy wrestled in the pool and Papa played with Alex.
Here's a little video of her in the pool:
It was so long ago!! But it's fun to look back and revisit some of Wren's "firsts."