Springy Lady
Here are some pictures (they're a few weeks old now) of our little lady enjoying spring.
She loves dresses and cardigans, just like Mommy!

Here she is at our first cookout of the season with Auntie:
She loves dresses and cardigans, just like Mommy!
Here she is at our first cookout of the season with Auntie:
And here she is during one of our first nice days of the season. We took her out so she could feel the grass. Earlier that same day, we headed to Menards to buy her all sorts of flowers for her own little flower garden (post on that soon). Here she is picking out some Sweet Peas:

It's funny to see this because just a few weeks have passed and now she is sitting up without help for long periods of time...at this point, she would sit but topple over after a minute or two:
And we love this picture! Her eyes are the same color as the sky, such a little butterball!:
It's been SO busy at our house lately and I've had no time to update the blog! I'm hoping to get our pics organized over the next couple of days. I need to empty the camera memory cards because we're leaving for Boston on Saturday and we'll be taking lots of pictures when Wren meets her Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Lisa and her cousins, Alex and Austin for the first time!