Wednesday, February 23, 2011

15 Weeks!

Oh, she makes me smile!

Wren is 15 weeks old now. There have been a few times in the past week where we *thought* she might roll from her back to her belly but she never quite made it. Soon hopefully! But she's figuring out how to scoot and twist her way about. Last week, I put her on her tummy and had a book in front of her while I ran to the bathroom and to get a drink. By the time I returned just a minute or two later, she had somehow managed to scoot herself to where she was looking at a 45 (or is it 90?) degree angle and the book was now at her side.

She gets her little legs moving and Josh likes to put his arm and have her push off with her feet so she scoots forward.

She has started to notice her doggies a lot more in the past week. Josh took the dogs to get groomed so we have been practicing petting the dogs. Kowe is really good about listening when we tell her to be gentle around the baby. Luke? Well...he's another story. He has no clue what's going on so he doesn't let the baby come between him and a little playful romp with Kowe.

This week I went back to work. It has been really nice to be back in the real world. Josh is at home for 2 weeks of paternity leave. They have been having so much fun and even though she sees him all day long, she still loves to stare at him. But thankfully she gives me some giggles and we have a nice long talk about her day each evening.

We're working on sitting up (obviously with assistance) and having her stand from the sitting position. She's getting better and likes standing more and more. I think the jumper is helping with that!

We've also started with some simple baby signs. We know she's too young yet, so it's really more for us to start learning them. So far we do "more," "milk" and "doggie."

Things I don't want to ever forget:
*She wiggles her fingers and toes the entire time she nurses.
*She makes big huge refreshing stretches when we take her out of her swaddle. It never fails-when she does it, it makes me need to take a big stretch! Kind of like a yawn is contagious.
*During my last week of maternity leave I tried to cuddle her as much as I could. A few days, I took naps with her and she was so sweet and cuddly. Josh and I joked that it was good I didn't do that starting when she was really little because not only would she never have taken a nap outside of my arms, but I would have seriously slept my way through maternity leave!
*She loves shadows! We will catch her staring at them and then all of a sudden she'll get a huge slow grin across her face. Who knew shadows were so funny?!
*As difficult as it can be, I never want to forget how much she fights her sleep. She is such an opinionated little thing and lets us know how much she does NOT want to fall asleep! She arches her back and wiggles all around and usually it just takes popping her pacifier into her mouth and she is literally out cold within 60 seconds.
*She loves Jack Johnson and OAR. If she's fussy, either will calm her immediately. In general, she really likes music. We received some Baby Einstein CDs and a Purdue lullaby CD as gifts and she is a big fan. Josh discovered that there were something like 17 "famous" composers born on her birthday so I think music might be a common thread for her birthday!