4 Weeks!
In a crazy fluke, she ROLLED OVER!! We're pretty sure it won't be happening too often, but she definitely did it all by herself! I had put her on her belly for some belly time and though she normally loves her tummy time, she was not happy about it on this particular night. So she was up on her elbows and I stood up to take her diaper into the laundry and she was kicking her little feet and making it known that she wasn't happy, when BOOP, she just plopped right over to her back! Of course, I screamed for Josh and he thought something was wrong. Nope--nothing wrong, just her rolling over way too soon!!! We feel like she might as well be leaving for college next week at this rate!
In other news, we had her 1 month appointment on Tuesday and she is now weighing in at 10 lbs., 2 oz.! Definitely not having issues in the growing department!
She still sleeps pretty much 4 hours at a time and sometimes goes 5 hours. One night she even gave me 6 straight hours! The nice thing is that it only means getting up once at night. I don't really feel too sleep deprived and we've been out and about quite a bit this week. She's starting to be awake a lot more throughout the day (unless she's in her carseat, in which case she zonks). I love her being more alert and sociable and am looking forward to her laughing and finding her voice a little more.
She also had her first bottle this week, which Daddy was happy to give her. She took it like a champ while I stood back and cried. It was a little early for my liking but I went in and worked for a few hours on Monday so Grammy kept her for the morning. So in preparation for that, Josh fed her the first bottle and then Grammy and Pappa fed her the next day.