Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas, part 2
Posted by Christina at 7:02 PM
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wren's First Christmas, part 1
We started decorating the weekend after Thanksgiving and Wren was just a couple weeks old. She basically slept through everything, but she helped Dad put the star on the tree.
After church, the kiddos opened their Christmas jammies. Here's Daddy and Wren unwrapping hers! She looks thrilled...we called them clown pj's because they have a ruffle on the neck. They're really actually pretty ugly they're cute!
We had such a special Christmas morning. Last Christmas was so tough for us, I remember that Josh pretty much forced me to go to church being that it was less than a week after our miscarriage. Last year, when we lit the candles and sang Silent Night at the end of service, it tore my heart out, and I remember that Josh and I just clung to one another. My, what a difference a year makes. This year, we were lucky enough to cling to our sweet little girl. We feel so blessed to be her parents. Every holiday is sweeter with her here and we are definitely excited to think about how fun next Christmas will be!
Posted by Christina at 11:26 PM
7 Weeks!
She continues to be a pretty good sleeper but definitely fights falling asleep during the day and evening. Over night, she eats and goes straight back to bed and most of the time, even if she's still awake when I put her down, she will grunt and talk until she falls asleep.
Posted by Christina at 11:19 PM
Sunday, December 26, 2010
12 Days of Giving, Day 3
Posted by Christina at 6:44 PM
12 Days of Giving, Day 2
I decided to stick with games:
Posted by Christina at 6:34 PM
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sassy Ladybug!
Posted by Christina at 6:10 PM
Monday, December 13, 2010
12 Days of Giving, Day 1
Again this year, I'm not necessarily spending 12 actual days, especially with the baby, but I have chosen 12 organizations and am trying to spread it out between this past weekend and the end of the year. My friend Tressa decided to join me this year, which was really exciting! So we created the list together and we're both focusing on giving back to 12 local and/or important-to-us organizations.
For Day 1, I volunteered at CUMC's Jubilee Christmas. This was the third or fourth year that I've done this with Shell and it's always so fun. The church joins up with Lafayette Urban Ministries to find families in need of a boost for the holidays. Then members of the church buy things for the children in those families, and the church also provides stockings, a basket filled with toilet paper, laundry detergent, and other essentials, a huge box filled with food for the family and even a giftcard to get groceries. There is also a "shopping" room where the families get to go and select toys for each of their children and there is a huge collection of gently used clothing for both children and adults that they can go through.
In the past, I've always been a wrapper. Each family is assigned one hostess and a wrapper. I love wrapping gifts, so I've enjoyed that in the past, but I was excited to change it up this year and be a hostess. It was really fun because I got to know the mom of my family much better than in the past. Her name was Brittany and she has an adorable little boy. She was really sweet and so incredibly appreciative.
As always, I was really touched by the entire day. A lot of people come together to make Christmas special for many many families. It's always a really fun day and I look forward to it all year long!
Posted by Christina at 10:30 AM
Saturday, December 11, 2010
4 Weeks!
In a crazy fluke, she ROLLED OVER!! We're pretty sure it won't be happening too often, but she definitely did it all by herself! I had put her on her belly for some belly time and though she normally loves her tummy time, she was not happy about it on this particular night. So she was up on her elbows and I stood up to take her diaper into the laundry and she was kicking her little feet and making it known that she wasn't happy, when BOOP, she just plopped right over to her back! Of course, I screamed for Josh and he thought something was wrong. Nope--nothing wrong, just her rolling over way too soon!!! We feel like she might as well be leaving for college next week at this rate!
In other news, we had her 1 month appointment on Tuesday and she is now weighing in at 10 lbs., 2 oz.! Definitely not having issues in the growing department!
She still sleeps pretty much 4 hours at a time and sometimes goes 5 hours. One night she even gave me 6 straight hours! The nice thing is that it only means getting up once at night. I don't really feel too sleep deprived and we've been out and about quite a bit this week. She's starting to be awake a lot more throughout the day (unless she's in her carseat, in which case she zonks). I love her being more alert and sociable and am looking forward to her laughing and finding her voice a little more.
She also had her first bottle this week, which Daddy was happy to give her. She took it like a champ while I stood back and cried. It was a little early for my liking but I went in and worked for a few hours on Monday so Grammy kept her for the morning. So in preparation for that, Josh fed her the first bottle and then Grammy and Pappa fed her the next day.
Posted by Christina at 4:24 PM
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Growing Girl!
Today, she weighed 9 pounds 5 ounces!! Oh MY!!
Dr. Miller said that she was in the 27th percentile during the first visit pictured above. Today, she was in the 66th percentile!!
We joked that we're going to have to stop calling her peanut and start calling her walnut! We're so happy that she's nice and healthy and growing so well.
Posted by Christina at 12:00 AM