One day left! Our due date is officially less than 24 hours away and though there's no sign of Wren's arrival anytime soon, we sure are ready! She's apparently nice and cozy and hasn't listened to the eviction notice that's been served.
Just in case, though, we're all set...
Our hospital bags are packed...
...her carseat is installed and has been inspected...
...several freezer meals have been prepared (by us AND others, THANK YOU!), though we still have a few more that we could do...
...her baby gear is all set up, with batteries, ready for use...
...her laundry basket is empty...
...and her closet is filled with adorable outfits all ready to be worn...
...her accessories are all ready...after all, a girl can never have too many shoes, hats and hairbows!...
Just in case, though, we're all set...
Our hospital bags are packed...
...her bibs, towels, blankets, sheets and swaddlers are all clean, folded and organized...
...her crib is ready to welcome her...
...her chair is ready for hours of bonding time, complete with personalized boppy and blanket made by Auntie Elizabeth...
...her diapers are washed, color coded and all ready to be filled with a cute little bum (and other things!)...
...and her jammies are all clean and ready for cozy nights cuddling at home.
So as you can see, we're all set. There are a few projects that I'm still working on for her room, but I want to wait until the right things come along. I don't want to just put stuff up to do it, so it will take some time.
Baby Watch is in full swing. Do you hear that, little girl?! We're ready and waiting, you can join us any old time!!
We have a doctor's appointment in the morning and we should know more after that, but we're very hopeful that we'll be welcoming our little miracle by the end of this weekend! Stay tuned...
Baby Watch is in full swing. Do you hear that, little girl?! We're ready and waiting, you can join us any old time!!
We have a doctor's appointment in the morning and we should know more after that, but we're very hopeful that we'll be welcoming our little miracle by the end of this weekend! Stay tuned...