Sunday, October 24, 2010

trying to catch up

I'm going to try to post a few updates this week. I have so much to update on--the house, my baby shower, birthdays, baby prep, all sorts of things! It's funny, you never realize how many people read your blog until you fail to update for months at a time!! Thanks for checking in on us! :) First, just a written update, pics will come soon.

Things are going pretty well for us. We're getting slowly settled into the new house and we're loving it. We got unpacked pretty quickly but we are still working on making it feel nice and homey. We've done some painting, got some curtains for the living room, added a few touches here and there, etc., but we still have a lot of work to do. Lots of small things, really, like hanging pictures, putting the loft/landing area together, etc. But we've certainly been busy little bees.

Josh has been hard at work, with the help of his mom and dad, at putting up a fence. We're so happy to have it! I'm not sure who's happier--the dogs for being able to roam and run, us for not having to put them on a leash several times a day to potty, or Josh and his dad for finally bringing the project to a close! I'll post lots of pictures soon, Josh still has a few things to do, so I will wait until we can get final pictures. It looks so beautiful and we love our backyard!

As for Baby Watch 2010, we are in a bit of a holding pattern!! We're so ready to meet Wren! She seems to be nice and cozy and I don't think she's planning on coming for another week or two. I've been at 80% effaced and dilated a cm for 2 weeks now. The doctor says she's measuring big, so he won't probably let her go much, if at all, over her due date. She's measuring a week ahead, and he's estimating that she'll be an 8+ pound baby. So either way, we're (hopefully) no more than 10 or 11 days away from being introduced to this little girl!

As for me, I really can't complain. I've had such an enjoyable pregnancy. Only in the past few weeks have I really even felt even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Mostly, she's been putting a lot of pressure on my pelvis, so that's uncomfortable, and it's become hard to turn over in bed, so that, combined with many nightly trips to the bathroom means sleep has been a little tough. But I have to say, it's been so much fun and I still marvel at her moving and rolling around in my belly. I think we've been pretty good about not taking a second of this pregnancy for granted and we've both really enjoyed it.

As of this past Thursday, my doctor put me on what I guess we could call modified bedrest. Basically, I'm having some pretty severe ear issues which are causing extreme vertigo to the point that I'm not able to walk on my own and I end up vomiting several times before I crash and am dead to the world for a few hours. It takes a toll on my body and it's hard to predict when my episodes will come on, so the doctor has restricted me from driving. In addition, my BP was a bit elevated for the past few weeks, and I've got a little swelling (though nothing extra from what I've had pretty much the whole pregnancy), so he asked that I cut back from working and just do 4 hours a day. So needless to say, I'm ready for this Wren to BE HERE! I feel like I'm wasting part of my maternity leave and would so much rather use that time when she's here than just while we're waiting for her. The worst part is that I FEEL good. I'm a bit tired, but when I'm not having an ear issue, I feel pretty great. So it's hard to feel like I need to be working less when I feel great 90% of the time. But we're willing to do whatever the doctor thinks is the best for Wren, so cutting back is a priority.

I think that's about it. Josh is such a sweet daddy. He's been constantly on the go, making lists of things he wants to do before his little girl arrives. He's been busy with all of her "gear," putting swings and strollers together, installing carseats, hanging mirrors, etc. We're both giddy with anticipation and trying to enjoy these last few days before our lives are changed forever. Come on, baby girl, we're ready!!

Stay tuned for more posts!!