Pokey is a.............
We are thrilled and proud to introduce you to our sweet little lady,
Wren Michelle.
It was so much fun to see her for as long as we did! We probably had 40 minutes to watch her wiggle all around. She is absolutely perfect. I have been so anxious wondering if she would be healthy and thinking about the things that could go wrong.
I really can't believe we're here. This is really our life! We're going to have a sweet little baby girl! Here are a few pictures. I left out the money shots because though our sweet girl was not modest in the least (she didn't cross her legs ONCE the entire time we were watching her!), I'd rather leave her lady bits off. But trust us, she's a girl! We had plenty of opportunity to confirm!
Here is her profile shot. You can see her little toes at the upper right with her little buddha belly in the middle.
And this one is just too funny not to share. Anyone who knows us knows that I tease Josh about his toes. They're like fingers! So when we were looking, I asked if she had Daddy's gangle toes, and sure enough, I think she does! :) They'll be adorable little gangle toes.
Finally, here are a couple videos. They're really short, but you can see her wiggling all around. She was seriously like this almost the entire time. She wiggled all around and then toward the end, she settled down and curled up in a ball for what seemed like a nice afternoon nap.
And here is a cute clip of her hiccupping. Her entire body would jerk! So cute!!
Neeless to say, we're in love! It's so exciting...and now the planning can begin!!! Lots to do! I was hoping for a girl (obviously would have been happy with either!) and J was convinced Pokey was a boy. Now that we know, we're so excited. I'm beyond thrilled to see Josh with Wren. He's going to be such an amazing Daddy and I can't wait for someone else to be as lucky as I am to experience his unconditional love. I have a feeling she's going to have him wrapped around her little pinky pretty quickly! He's just going to be such a good Daddy to a little girl.
We already made our first trip to Gymboree for some adorable little girl stuff. We got her a matching hat and sandles (red with white polka dots), Josh picked out a sweet long-sleeved pink shirt, and we got her a dress with some tights for fall/wintertime. But that's going to have to be all for now...too many other things to think about first!!
Okay...off to announce the big news on facebook! Thanks for everyone's excitement! Almost 1/2 way through the pregnancy and about 22 weeks until we meet Wren in person!!