Read me a story, Daddy!
Now that we know Pokey can hear us, Josh has started reading a story to him every night. It's been a sweet little nightly routine, but I'm sure you won't be surprised to know that Kowe thinks the whole thing revolves around her. She is really funny to watch...she knows when he grabs the book to crawl up right next to me. She is nice and alert and just watches J as he reads. She looks at the pictures like she's following right along. Usually before the book is over, she has her head on my pillow ready to fall fast asleep. This particular night, she was exhausted from being out in the garage preparing for the garage sale all night. So she didn't make it through the book. I just had to share this adorable can see that she's zonked and enjoying her nightly story. Such a sweet girl...most of the time!