Cat's out of the bag!
We are officially out of the first trimester as of tomorrow (or Saturday, depending upon who you ask) and we had our first appointment with the regular OB/Gyn yesterday. We found out in late February and I can tell you that it has been so tough keeping the secret! On the one hand, we wanted to make sure that things were going smoothly, but at the same time, we're so excited that it's hard not to shout it from the rooftops.
Here are a few pictures so far:
6 week ultrasound:

8 week ultrasound:
And here is a picture of me with Dr. Miracles himself, Dr. Jarrett. We really cannot imagine what we would have done had we not made the move from our old RE to him. He's obviously the best that there is, proven by his success rates and the fact that he ranks as the #1 IVF RE in the state. But beyond that, he genuinely cares. He's really invested in his patients and I'm certain that he treats them all as fabulously as he did us. This man literally changed our lives and we have so much gratitude toward him!! (We took this picture right before we officially "graduated" from his care...very bittersweet. If he was available to be our doctor through the entire pregnancy, I'd absolutely make the drive to Indy every month!!)
Anyway, so that's what we have so far in the way of pictures. We didn't get an ultrasound at yesterday's appointment but we did get to hear the baby. Luckily, we have a doppler and we're able to listen to the baby every night. It's a great source of reassurance for us.
As for the little peanut, we're calling it a few different things. Josh is convinced that it is a boy. 100% convinced. (We'll find out in 6 or 7 weeks!) He calls him his little power forward, and based on the wiggleworm that we saw swinging elbows in our last ultrasound, he could be right on about that prediction. I tried to remind him that he could have been doing ballet moves, but J didn't go for that. I sometimes call him our little b-dub. As in, Baby Wright.
But mostly, we call him our lil Poke or Pokey. The reason behind this is that when we went for our first ultrasound at 6 weeks, we saw no heartbeat. This was on a Thursday. We were scared out of our minds, and Dr. J gave us no reason for high hopes...he didn't want us getting our hopes too high. So I took Friday off, got some more bloodwork done (and my levels were skyhigh, which was good news), and then spent the weekend taking it very easy, praying and praying for our little miracle, and I kept saying, "I'm building a heartbeat, people!!" On the way to the appointment on Monday, we were still so nervous, but I said, "Maybe the baby's just taking it's sweet time building its heart. Maybe it's just a little pokey!" Needless to say, there was obviously a heartbeat (pretty sure that Dr. J teared up with us!) and the baby DID take its sweet time and it WAS just a little Pokey. Funny enough, I've been accused on more than one occasion of being a piddler, so it's not surprising that a baby of mine would build a heart on its own time! So Pokey has stuck, plus since Josh's alma mater, Wyoming, is also known as the Pokes, he likes it even more.
So there you have it! Another Baby Wright on the way. We're still very sad over the loss of Mya and we never want to forget everything that she did for us. She gave us so much hope and joy even in just a few weeks. She made us realize that we were meant to be parents and that our 3 1/2 year struggle was worth it. We still believe that and we will treasure her as our first baby for always.