Storm Shelter
So everyone knows that Kowe and I share a certain (well founded, I might add) fear of tornados. It really is hilarious because Kowe can sense a storm coming from miles away. She starts acting weird and then as it approaches and I start freaking out with her (only when there is a chance of tornados...I'm not scared of most thunderstorms, but she sure is), she knows exactly what to do to keep safe. We have our storm shelter all set up in the kitchen closet, so we have all of our pillows and blankets ready and we start our little routine of getting the vacuum out, getting the weather radio and flashlight ready, etc. She just knows. Sometimes if I know it's going to storm while I'm at work, I'll leave the storm shelter open for her because I know it makes her feel much more secure. She also loves to be behind the toilet, so we'll turn the fan on and let her hang out in there so that she can't hear the small rumbles as easily.
Well, on this particular day, I was gone and Josh was home with the dogs as a scary storm approached. I guess he forgot to open Kowe's storm shelter but had left the cupboard open so she plowed through and made her own safe haven. I am so sad by the worry in her little eyes! But doesn't her path of destruction kind of remind you of a tornado?!
She is just so cute!