Josh's Birthday Celebration
We decided to celebrate Josh's birthday with a trip to Cincinnati to watch the Cubbies along with Shell, Dan, Laura and Jeff. We had such a fantastic time!! First, we stopped off at IKEA for some bargain shopping, then we headed to our hotel room and got the celebration started!
Nothing starts off a Wright celebration like some vajunka!
Then we headed to a fun little bar near the ballpark for some (aka MANY) drinks.
Danny got the entire bar to sing happy birthday to Josh. He was pretty embarrassed but it was really neat to have all those people singing to him.
Shell did a little "Brown Chicken Brown Cow" dance with some random guys...

We were so excited to get to spend the weekend with Shell and Dan. We don't get to hang out with just them very often! And they don't get a weekend away from the boys together very often, so I think they had a great time too! 
And our trip would not have been the same without Jeff & Laura! Laura, our little fair weather fan... :)
This picture cracks me up!

And our trip would not have been the same without Jeff & Laura! Laura, our little fair weather fan... :)
I have to say, by this time we weren't noticing much around us. However, Josh spotted Big Easy and I had to chase him down and get a picture! I don't think he knew. ;) If you have ever watched Real World/Road Rules challenges, you'll be well aware of who Big Easy is. If not, you wouldn't care, but we were really excited! However, he quickly walked upstairs to the VIP section so this was the best I could get...
The girls checked in a little earlier than the guys. They somehow managed to come back to the room, decide they weren't tired yet, go back out to some bars, return to the hotel, steal some guys pizza and breadsticks and then make it back to the hotel room in the wee hours of the morning.
Then...they STOLE our bed! Dan and Josh cuddled all night long!
...while Shell andLaura had to cuddle up on the floor to try to keep warm!
Okay. Truth be told, Josh and Dan had to take the floor. But trust me, they had no idea where they were.