Mama's 80th Birthday
So where did we leave off? Oh, yes...the morning after our celebration in Cincinnati. Josh had to get up and going because he was headed to Southern IN for his Mamaw's (or Mama as they spell it, but it's hard for me to spell it that way) 80th Surprise Birthday Party!
Josh forgot the camera (we'll assume it was because he forgot, not because of his condition.) SO I stole a few pics from Jeremy since I asked Josh to get me some and that hasn't happened. I was sad to have to miss the party (and the visit from Jeremy, Lisa & Alex) but I had to work. I hear it was a beautiful day!
Here are a few cute pics:
Josh and Patty helping get everything ready for the big surprise:

I hear Mamaw was really surprised! Here she is, cute as can be in her birthday hat:

Nothing like a little help from your favorite son:

Here is a pic of all of the Wright men with Grandpa: 

And here is a pic of Uncle Josh with Alex. (J & Lisa-hopefully you don't mind that Alex is in these.) Is there anything cuter than this?: 

Finally, one of all of the Wrights: