Pumpkin Patch with the Boys
We decided to take the boys to a huge pumpkin patch near Fowler, but on the day that we got all ready to go, they were closed. (Aargh!) So we decided, instead, to go to one that is put on by a church here in town.
But first, we had to pick up the dogs from the groomer. Here's Kowe making herself comfy on Griff's lap.
And Luke, scared probably.
But then Luke went and laid down between Griff & Linc. It was so cute.
But Kowe could have none of that...she needed to be in the middle. So Luke got bumped.
Linc LOVED the pumpkins. He kept picking them up and taking them to different spots. He didn't want to leave!
Griff was more into the big ones!
Then we went to our neighborhood park. Notice Linc's french fry...
...and he's still got it!