New Car, New Job...
Here is our new car!! It's a 2006 Toyota 4 Runner. We got a smashing deal (thanks Danny!). It's so pretty!

And I started my new job today. It was very interesting and I have a TON to learn! But it's going to keep me very busy and I think I'm really going to like it. I am just doing a lot of reading right now, but I got a better understanding of what I'll be responsible for and where my branch sits currently. I am the Brach Sales Manager (which is Salin's title for the Branch Manager), and I am responsible for all of the daily operations of the branch such as the retail banking side, the staffing, etc., as well as increasing the Small Business Accounts and loans and increasing the general accounts like mortgage loans and direct deposit accounts, etc.
I'm really excited and can't wait to get into my own branch!
Anyway, that's what's new and exciting in our household!