Wren's Playroom Makeover!
I tried to do this post a while back and had everything loaded and ready to go...hit 'Publish,' and NOTHING! Everything somehow disappeared. Anyone who uses Blogger knows how long it takes for these pictures to upload, so for nothing to have saved was like a punch in the gut!
Buuutt...I am finally doing it again!
So here's the blank slate of what we started with. Her playroom is in our "bonus" room which is above the garage. Needless to say, the roof is an odd shape. But it makes for a great space and we love how it turned out!

Buuutt...I am finally doing it again!
So here's the blank slate of what we started with. Her playroom is in our "bonus" room which is above the garage. Needless to say, the roof is an odd shape. But it makes for a great space and we love how it turned out!
And here's the AFTER:
The wall color is Asparagus by Behr. We wanted something gender neutral since eventually we'll have more kids {hopefully} to play in there, and we felt like it would be a good adaptable color for lots of different decor choices as we incorporate new kids and as Wren gets older.
The original goal was to create little "nooks" for her, starting with a reading nook. I love this little spot. We try to bring her up here as often as possible before bed and we both take turns reading her a couple books. Since she was teeny tiny, we've been able to prop her in the bird beanbag and she stays in there really well. I found it at Target on clearance for like $10 or $15. The green chair was a gift from Grammy & Papa. The rocking chair was mine as a little girl. It's one of a small handful of things I actually have from my childhood and was a gift from my Great Grandmother, so it means everything to me! The rug is from IKEA, so cute and super cheap! And I didn't take a close-up of the ABC frame, but it was a DIY project that I did using an ABC stencil and some scrapbook paper. Eventually I'd like to add another picture or two in this area but it's good for now.
I talked about the bookcase renovation HERE. The car rug is also from IKEA. Josh was adamant that we have a place for her to be a little tomboy if she wants and I was on board with that. Plus her cousins are almost all boys, so they'll probably get some use out of it as well. So this is her little random play nook.
These 1-10 cards are from Children Inspire Design. I got them when they were super cheap on Zulily, along with several other pictures you'll see both here in the playroom and also once I post pictures from Wren's bathroom redo (which is allllmost complete...pictures soon).
Aren't they so cute?!
Aren't they so cute?!
Here's a closeup of the little spruce-up I did on the clothespins. It was a quick, cheap facelift to plain wooden clothespins using Tacky Glue and scrapbook paper that I already had.
This picture is insanely blurry, but it best shows the start of her crafty/artsy nook. The chalkboard is from IKEA. It was originally plain, untreated wood, so I just added a coat of the same color I used on her bookcase. Looks so cute! The black wall decals are chalkboard treated from Grammy. All of the little stools/chairs around the room are IKEA as well.
Below is a view of the other side of the room. The table is from Land of Nod, a gift from Grammy & Papa. It's great because it has leg extenders so when she gets bigger it can grow with her, and also there is a paper roll attached at the bottom right so it allows you to pull the paper all the way over the table. The toybox is a gift from Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Lisa and the boys. I didn't take a good picture of the Piggy, but you I got for really cheap at a thrift store and the colors go really well with the room. The rug was a gift from my friend, Jenny, at our baby shower. It was originally in Wren's nursery but was a smidge larger than we needed and then when I put it in this room, I fell in love so it found a new home!
Here is the spot I created for showcasing her {future} artwork. For now, we are using some more of the Children Inspire Design prints, held by decorated clothespins. One of these days it'll be full of Wren's masterpieces!
And I know I shared this (very old) picture before, but I really can't get over how cute she is taking in a little easy reading. It's amazing how much bigger she is and how she can now climb up on the chair!
She loves her playroom and we love having a nice space designated just for her to have fun and be creative and read and play. I imagine that as she gets a little older, we will use this room more and more!!
I'm finishing up a thing or two in her nursery and need to buy a couple things for her bathroom, and once both are done I will do tours of each. We have fun making special spaces for Wren and we really enjoy making this her cozy little home!
I'm finishing up a thing or two in her nursery and need to buy a couple things for her bathroom, and once both are done I will do tours of each. We have fun making special spaces for Wren and we really enjoy making this her cozy little home!