Wren's First Birthday {Decorations!}
We had a really fun first birthday for Daddy's little ladybug!
I had so much fun planning all of the details.
Here's the invite, it says:
"Come for the cake, stay for the fun,
our little lady is turning 1!"

I know she's only 1, but this was a huge deal for us. Wren's first year of life was reason for serious celebrating! I have a feeling all of her birthdays will be packed full of fun, but this one was extra special.
I put together a little dessert bar...
I had so much fun planning all of the details.
Here's the invite, it says:
"Come for the cake, stay for the fun,
our little lady is turning 1!"
I know she's only 1, but this was a huge deal for us. Wren's first year of life was reason for serious celebrating! I have a feeling all of her birthdays will be packed full of fun, but this one was extra special.
I put together a little dessert bar...
Auntie Shellbell special ordered this cake for Wren. It turned out SO cute! The ladybug was Wren's smash cake, and she even had a little bow in her hair like Wren. So sweet!
We printed out most of the weekly pictures we've taken of Wren and we stuck them on the wall with a little ladybug that had the corresponding week written on it. It was so sad, yet amazing, to watch her grow week by week. It was funny to watch her chunk up from that teensy weensy little thing with no chub at all, to having cheeks for weeks, and back to slimming out as she learned to crawl. I'm so glad we stuck with this little weekly tradition.
I wanted to play a game of some sort, so I decided to make "Pin the Spot on the Ladybug" using felt and some pipe cleaners. She turned out so cute and the kids had fun playing.
We're so proud of our little bird!
Next up...lots of pictures from the party!
Next up...lots of pictures from the party!