So, apparently we really know how to do surgery well! Here are a couple of pictures that we took a few weeks back when I had mine...
Step 1 would be to first have a sweet husband who takes two days off to pamper you. And a sweet mother in-law who brings you flowers and your favorite meal of alltime in addition to watching your dogs. And awesome co-workers who bring you more beautiful flowers. And pretty much a hundred other great people who check on you and make sure you're doing well. (Thank you, by the way.) So...that's the first step.

But the second step is to have entertainment. And boy, did I ever!! As you can see above, I had a collection of sweets (my favorite candy are Reese's Eggs, so the Big Cups are the next best things), Oprah (I had saved about 2 weeks' worth on DVR), a new book, a laptop and movies. In 2 days' time, we (and, yes, I said WE because J watched all of them, too) watched
The Wizard of Oz, Juno, 27 Dresses and
August Rush. Talk about chick flick heaven!! Also, good drugs should have been in the picture but actually I didn't take my pain killers after the first day at home.
One thing I found kind of hysterical is that I woke up after getting home the evening of my surgery and I was reallly drowsy and had sore throat from the thing, so I kind of whispered for Josh and he came running up the stairs. I had no idea how he could have heard me, only to find that he had me on a baby monitor...aka the speaker phone. He's so cute.
You can also see above that I even did a little work. A smidge. Only because I left for a training then on Monday, so I had to read through some things.
And here is Luke after getting home from Grandma's. He likes to keep my pillows nice and warm for me. But you can see that I get a bit of a stink-eye when I try to get him to move.
All in all, a good surgery. Fully recovered now and feeling great. We find out next week what we do next. Yay!!